On A Roll
The Podcast that helps you Level Up Your RPG!
We found 3 episodes of On A Roll with the tag “white wolf”.
Episode 201: Running The End
Episode | January 23rd, 2019 | Season 2 | 1 hr 36 secs
characters, dungeons and dragons, geeks, larp, mush, pathfinder, players, plot, roleplaying games, tabletop, vampire, white wolf
It's the first episode of season two! Since it's the beginning of our new season, the Favorite, the Curmudgeon and the Legend talk about endings. Carie, Jason and Ryan explore the reasons and requirements for ending a story and the benefits and drawbacks of doing so!
Episode 117: Toxic Fandoms
Episode | August 7th, 2018 | Season 1 | 1 hr 2 mins
characters, fandom, geeks, players, plot, roleplaying games, sherlock holmes, star wars, toxicity, vampire, white wolf
Fandoms have become increasingly toxic and broken lately. This week, the Curmudgeon, the Legend and the Favorite examine the story of Sherlock Holmes and how even 150 years ago, people were dealing with harassment from fans. Ryan, Carie and Jason also talk about the current problems in fandom, particularly the Star Wars, Critical Role and White Wolf Publishing fandom problems in recent weeks!
Episode 114: DMing For The First Time
Episode | July 10th, 2018 | Season 1 | 1 hr 13 mins
community, dungeon master, geeks, hints, roleplaying games, running a game, scenes, storytelling, vampire, white wolf
The very first time anyone runs a game can be nerve-wracking. The Curmudgeon, the Legend and the Favorite navigate through advice and suggestions to help make running your first game less stressful and more successful. Breaking it down into what a new DM/Storyteller should do before, during and after their first game, Ryan, Carie and Jason do their best to help any novice game runner have a successful experience. They also take a few minutes to address the current controversy surrounding White Wolf's release of Vampire 5th Edition.